Study-tour to CITO

On 22-24 of May a group of experts from READ countries visited CITO, Netherlands in order to participate in a short intensive course on educational assessment. The study-tour to CITO was organized by the Center for International Cooperation in Education Development CICED with support from READ RAS team. In 2018 CITO – the institute for…

South Asia Regional Conference: Using Large-Scale Assessments

A South Asia regional conference on Using Large Scale Assessments to Improve Teaching and Learning took place from April 25-27, 2018 in New Delhi, India. The conference brought together policy makers and assessment officials from eight South Asian countries, assessment experts from national and international agencies, and representatives from Vietnam, Chile and Indonesia. The objective…

Building Evidence in Education working group

On April 12-13, 2018 in the city of Billund (Denmark) a meeting of the working group Building Evidence in Education was held, active participation was made by the representatives of CICED. With the development of national education systems throughout the world, projects focusing on the early child development of the child are of great importance.…

READ 2 Reimbursable Advisory Services (RAS) Program Update

The READ 2 RAS Program continues supporting Russia in building the capacity of its experts and researchers in measuring and improving the quality of education. Since its launch, the Program has supported the introduction of a Doctoral Degree Program in Educational Measurement and Evaluation, a Master of Arts Degree Program in Education Quality, training programs…

Russian Training Center working meeting

The working meeting of the partners of the new launched Russian Training Center (RTC) took place in Moscow office of the World Bank. Meeting was participated by representatives of Moscow higher School for Economic and Social Sciences, eNano, open institute “Developing education”, Moscow State Pedagogical University, CICED, World Bank. The agenda of the meeting was…

The higher education system in Kyrgyz Republic

In accordance with Article 45 of the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic, everyone has the right to education. Regulation of higher education is carried out in accordance with the Law “On Education”. In order to ensure further sustainable functioning and priority development of the education system, including higher education, in combination with the consistent reforms…

Mongolia needs more capital investment on education

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ The Mongolian Government spends a relatively high amount of money on education compared to other countries in the East Asia Pacific, says a new World Bank report released today. In Mongolia, the government spends 4.6 percent of its GDP on education – a relatively high rate compared to the regional countries. However, most…

12-year education to become compulsory in Armenia

Until now, Armenia has had a 9-year compulsory education system. However, under a new provision made in the Law on General Education, a 12-year education system will become compulsory in Armenia. According to Ashot Arshakyan, the Head of the Public Education Department at the Ministry of Education and Science of Armenia, the 12-year compulsory education…

Small Grants Program winners

Dear participants of the Small Grants Program 2017! We are happy to announce the winners. The following projects became winners: 1, “Assessment competency improvement for teachers of Russia and Tajikistan” 2. “Developing a framework of school effectiveness in the context of Kazakhstan” 3. “Indicators of the development of students cognitive interests as parameters of quality…

READ 2 (RAS) Program Update

The READ 2 RAS program has made progress in a number of important areas since its launch in November 2016. Key achievements have included the setting up of a Doctoral Degree Program in Educational Measurement and Evaluation, a Master of Arts Degree Program in Education Quality, and a Small Grants Program. The READ 2 RAS…