
In previous cycles of the READ Program SAM (Student Achievement Monitoring) diagnostic tool for schoolchildren was developed and localized in several countries. The SAM methodology allows to determine the levels of mastering the educational material of students at different stages of schooling. The tool for diagnosing educational and subject competencies SAM functions within the framework of the developmental learning model of the theory of cultural development by L.S. Vygotsky.

The developed tool for diagnosing educational and subject competencies SAM passed the international review, which confirmed its high quality and reliability. The tool has been localized in six languages and is being used in READ Program partner countries. The tool is used to collect data on the quality of education in cross-country studies. More than 30,000 schoolchildren in Russia and READ Program partner countries have been tested using the tool.

One of the characteristics of the SAM tool is the time required for students to pass the test. On average, testing in mathematics or Russian takes about two lessons. The implementation of the new paradigm of reforming and developing the education sector in Russia is focused not only on a comprehensive account of the individual abilities of students, but also on the differentiation of education in accordance with their level of knowledge. To improve the effectiveness of testing procedures, modern pedagogy develops and implements methods of adaptive testing, taking into account the principles of differentiation and individualization of the learning process.

The developed tool will have the same characteristics as the original version, but the testing time will be significantly reduced, elements of adaptive testing will be used, a bank of tasks will be developed and pilot activities will be carried out.