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GEM Report events in April/May

April 30: Consultation on the 2024/5 GEM Report hosted by the German Commission for UNESCO

May 2: Dialogue with International Organization of Employers policy working group on Employment, Skills and Digitalization

May 7: Launch of the 2024 Spotlight Report on universal basic education completion and foundational learning in Africa: Learning Counts at the Conference of the African Federation of Teaching Regulatory Authorities in Zambia

May 17: Participation of GEM Report at the 22nd Commonwealth Conference of Education Ministers in London to present work on SDG 4 benchmarks and foundational learning

May 21: Participation of GEM Report at the 2024 Education World Forum in London to present work on education and climate change

May 23: Participation of GEM Report at the annual meeting of the European Network of Education Councils in Rabat to present work on education and technology

29 May: Presentation of 2023 GEM Report during World Summit on the Information Society in Geneva to present work on education and technology

For more information please see the events page:


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