
South Africa: The launch of the South Africa Spotlight report took place at the 2024 Lekgotla hosted by the Department of Basic Education on March 14. Produced in partnership with the Department of Basic Education and ADEA, the report demonstrates that foundational literacy and numeracy have been strong national priorities but that challenges remain in its learning outcomes. Two positive practices are highlighted in the report, once of which is featured in this video, showing the emphasis being paid to improve numeracy skills in learner-centred environments.

Uganda: The Uganda Spotlight report was produced in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Sports and ADEA.   It was launched on April 18 during the second Foundation for Learning Conference organized by the Aga Khan University. The report analyses the extent to which the government’s vision to improve numeracy is aligned with its main policy documents. It finds strong alignment between the curriculum and teacher guides, but less strong alignment between the curriculum and what is being assessed.

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South Africa: