An online workshop named “Implementation of Students’ Achievement Monitoring (SAM) methodology at secondary school physics course” was held on December 17, 2020. In course of the seminar, representatives of Moscow City University (MCU) shared their vision of further development of the SAM model in general and particularly its application to assess competence of pupils in the “Physics” subject.
The keynote speakers were:
- V. Lvovskiy, Head of the MCU Laboratory for Education Activity Content Designing, Cand. Sc. Psychology, docent.
- M. Yanishevskaya, MCU department of educational programs, Cand. Sc. Psychology.
- E. Ushakova, scientific associate, MCU Laboratory for Education Activity Content Designing.
The webinar was attended by the representatives of the National Institute of Education, Belarus; National Center for Education Quality Assessment and Informational Technologies, Kyrgyzstan; Center for International Cooperation in Education Development (CICED), Russia and physics teachers.
Participants discussed the specific features of subject content mastering in SAM methodology, structural content of physics school course. Besides that, the results of approbation of the SAM test on physics course for 7-9 grades were presented and examined. Following on from the results of the event the participants agreed to share and examine the findings of the webinar with their local colleagues and then set the date of the next meeting.